
就有可能在沒有任何結果的前提下    透過音樂成為永遠                                                            ----------Mint之不負責任引言

我最喜歡Taylor Swift (中文官方譯為泰勒絲) 的一點就是她很誠實
誠實說她開心討厭害怕或喜歡    誠實面對自己的所有情緒
所以她寫的每首歌     歌詞或許不困難    曲更不是多高深的旋律
卻因為是她在短暫的生命過程中    一段感情    一種面對批評的態度    更可能只是一面之緣    她便能真實的寫出一首簡單但是感動人的歌

 Enchanted  這首歌我覺得臺灣的官方中文翻譯太浮面---    "愛情魔力"    取自英文原文中帶有"魔幻"意味的解釋
但要是知道這首歌背後的意義    我想臺灣的樂迷們應該也會抗議的吧?!

這首歌寫給一個她只見過一次面的男孩     Adam Young     如果熟悉西洋樂壇的人應該知道最近在美國掘起的一個電子音樂為主的創作樂團 "Owl City" (貓頭鷹城市)  Adam Young就是這個一人樂團的主唱+創作者

"I wrote "Enchanted" about a guy who I was enchanted to meet, obviously.
這首歌    很明顯    我是寫給一個見了面之後便被他吸引的男人

He was somebody that I had talked to a couple of times on email, and then I was in New York and went to meet him.
在見到他之前我跟他只透過EMAIL聊了幾次    有次我人剛好在紐約便去見見他

I remember just the whole way home thinking, "I hope he's not in love with somebody."
我記得那時候在我回家的整條路上都在想  "我希望他沒有愛上其他人"

It was just wonderful, that feeling. Like, "Oh my gosh. Who's he with? Does he like me? Does he like somebody else? What does it mean?"
那種感覺很美好   就像"我的天啊!!  他現在跟誰在一起? 他喜歡我嗎?? 他現在有喜歡的人嗎??  這到底代表什麼??"

I got home and he had emailed me and said something like, "Sorry I was so quiet. I was just wonderstruck meeting you."
那天等我到家之後他Email我說  "抱歉我話太少了    只是因為妳太讓我驚豔了"

And so I incorporated the word wonderstruck, into the song as a, "Hey this one's sorta for you." " - Taylor Swift
所以我把"wonder-struck"兩個字合併後寫在歌裡    讓他知道 "嘿  這首歌是給你的哦!" - 泰勒絲


這整首歌的詞都很美     她細細的描述了那個晚上他們見面聊天她自己的心情和感覺

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 今夜閃閃發亮, 別忘了它
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 你讓我驚豔過了頭, 一路上我紅著臉回家
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 下半輩子我會不停猜測你是否知道
I was enchanted to meet you  認識你是我生命中最夢幻的事"


"The lingering question kept me up 一個接著一個的問題讓我睡不著
2am, who do you love? 凌晨兩點鐘我還在想你到底有沒有愛誰
I wonder till I'm wide awake 越想越清醒
Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door 我開始來回跺步, 希望你就站在我家門口
I'd open up and you would say, 然後打開門你會對我說
It was enchanting to meet you "認識你是我生命中最夢幻的事"
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you "認識你是我生命中最夢幻的事""

中間的Bridge部分真的誠實到讓人揪心    很直接很白話毫不掩飾     卻是最吸引我的一段

"This is me praying that this was the very first page  我私自希望這是故事的開始
Not where the story line ends  而不是故事的結尾
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again 在再見到你之前, 我腦中會一直迴盪你的名字
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon 因為匆促離開, 所以這些是我當下沒說出口的話
I was enchanted to meet you 認識你是我生命中最夢幻的事
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜託不要跟其他人相愛
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜託沒有其他人在等待你
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜託不要跟其他人相愛
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜託沒有其他人在等待你"


如果故事只有這樣     那麼並不足以成為吸引我到我非寫出來打成網誌的動力
對     故事的後續就是男主角也現身了

"Dearest Taylor,

I'll be the first to admit I'm a rather shy boy and since music is the most eloquent form of communication I can muster, I decided to record something for you — as sort of a "reply" to the breathtaking song on your current record. This is what I wanted so badly to tell you in person but could never quite put into words:

Everything about you is lovely. You're an immensely charming girl with a beautiful heart and more grace and elegance than I know how to describe. You are a true princess from a dreamy fairytale and above all, I just want you to know.... I was enchanted to meet you too.


Dearest Taylor,

首先我得承認我是個非常害羞的男孩     既然音樂一直是我最好的溝通方法    我決定要錄點東西給妳 --- 就當做是回敬妳令人窒息最新作品的"回禮"吧!  這些是我一直好想要告訴妳卻不知道該如何用文字訴說的:  有關於妳的一切都很動人  妳是一個非常迷人的女孩     有著善良的心和我不知道該如何描述的高貴優雅    妳真的是從夢一般童話故事裡走出來的公主     而我最希望讓妳知道的是      我也被妳吸引了   


所以Adam 回敬Taylor一首他重新編曲      翻唱    小幅度修改歌詞的"Enchanted"
除了把"All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you"(認識你是我生命中最夢幻的事) 改成 "Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too" (噢泰勒認識你也是我生命中最夢幻的事) 之外
而那段歌詞便是最吸引我    最讓人心跳漏拍    更是故事最精彩    這首歌最美的部分


"Please don't be in love with someone else 拜託不要跟其他人相愛
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜託沒有其他人在等待你
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜託不要跟其他人相愛
Please don't have somebody waiting on you" 拜託沒有其他人在等待你"


"I was never in love with someone else 我從來沒有跟其他人相愛過
I never had somebody waiting on me 也從來沒有任何人在等待我
'Cause you were all of my dreams come true 因為妳就是我成真的美夢
And I just wish you knew 而我希望妳懂
Taylor I was so in love with you.  我那瞬間愛瘋妳了"



(Taylor Swift's version) (泰勒絲版)

(Adam Young's version) (亞當楊版)


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